Saturday, September 22, 2007


Cheese and Broccoli Tikkis

“Merry go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush!” That’s how kids should be throughout the day… merrily going about their daily tasks, academics, games and what not, full of spirit! Punctuate their days with healthy snacks and meals and be assured that their activities are not punctuated with cumbersome coughs and sneezes and tiredness! Most mothers think “fatter the child, healthier he is” and thrust fatty foods down their throats just for the sake of it. Contrary to this is the fact that a child can be called healthy when he is active, free from diseases, infections and is growing well (as per his age).

It’s all about making nutritious food appealing and fun for kids-as appearance counts as much as taste. But it is a tough task fulfilling the demands of your child who will not settle for simple homemade food and persuasion leads to an even adamant child.
So, to make your task easier, I have come up with a book ’GROWING KIDS COOKBOOK’ dedicated completely to the mothers out there. Divided in 5 sections and comprising of 50 delicious and visually appealing recipes, providing necessary nutrients. Besides recipes we have also include some fun and learn activities for your kids to help him develop motor skills, coordination etc.

The first section of this book, called “Run, Run All Day”, comprises recipes that are made using carbohydrate rich foods along with moderate amounts of fat. For kids to grow physically and to build a healthy body structure, they require nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium etc. The section “My Bones… Strongest” is full of recipes that are rich in such nutrients. As kids go to school and interact with many others, they tend to contract colds and other contagious infections quite easily if their immune system is not strong enough. “No More Colds” section includes foods that are rich in nutrients like vitamins C and E, beta-carotenes, zinc and selenium that boost your children’s immune power. “Moving Through the Digestive System” is a vital section that provides you with recipes full of fibre to ensure easy digestion. And finally, last but most important, the section titled “I Scored the Highest” comprises recipes that enhance brain power and soothe examination jitters… This section includes recipes rich in nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, fat, B-complex vitamins, zinc, iron and calcium.

With healthy and visually appealing recipes like Golzeme, Apricot Orange Cookies, Green Peas and Corn Bhel, Oats Pineapple Sheera and Chana Spinach Rice, I’m sure it will be easy to tempt your children to willingly consume nutrient rich ingredients!

So grab a copy of this collection and make more and more of healthy delicacies for your little one with lots and lots of love, from you, and from me as well to ensure the holistic health and growth of your child.


Given a choice, kids will say nyaaaaah to broccoli, but they are a must-have because of their nutritional benefits! So, tempt them with these yummy tikkis made with a combination of broccoli and cheese. Use olive oil to cook these tikkis as it is rich in vitamin E.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes. Cooking Time: 15 Makes 4 tikkis.

1 tsp olive oil
¼ cup finely chopped onions
1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1 tsp finely chopped green chillies
½ cup finely chopped broccoli
Salt to taste
¼ cup boiled and grated potatoes
2 tbsp grated mozzarella cheese
¼ cup whole wheat bread crumbs for coating
2 tsp olive oil for cooking

1.Heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add the onions, ginger-garlic paste and green chillies and sauté for 2 minutes while stirring continuously.
2.Add the broccoli and salt and sauté on a slow flame for another 5 to 7 minutes or till the broccoli is almost cooked.
3.Remove from the flame, add the potatoes and mix well. Keep aside to cool.
4.Divide the mixture into 4 equal portions and shape each portion into small rounds.
5.Press a little in the centre of each round to make a depression and put 1½ tsp of cheese and shape them into flat tikkis (approximately 1½” in diameter).
6.Roll them in the bread crumbs. Keep aside.
7.Heat a non-stick pan and cook each tikki using ½ tsp of oil till they turn golden brown on both the sides.
8.Cut each tikki into 2 pieces and serve hot.
Nutritive values per tikki
Vitamin C: 9.8 mg
Vitamin E: 0.5 mg
Vitamin A: 318.0 mcg


Lollies are an all-time favourite… to the extent of being one of the most interesting aspects of childhood! Unlike their commercial counterparts, these fruit lollies don't use artificial flavours and colours. Instead, they provide lots of nutrients including vitamins C and A. Ensure that the fruits are completely ripe and sweet to avoid adding any extra sugar.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes. Cooking Time: Nil. Serves 4.

½ cup freshly squeezed pineapple juice
½ cup freshly squeezed black grape juice
½ cup freshly squeezed orange juice

1.Take 4 candy moulds of desired shapes, pour 2 tbsp of pineapple juice at the bottom of each mould and refrigerate to set.
2.When fully set, insert candy sticks and pour 2 tbsp of black grape juice in each candy mould to make a layer and refrigerate to set without disturbing.
3.When fully set, pour 2 tbsp of orange juice in each candy mould and refrigerate again to set for atleast an hour.
4.Just before serving, hold the moulds under a running tap and take out the lollies.
Serve immediately.

Nutritive values per serving
Vitamin C: 30.1 mg
Vitamin A: 493.2 mcg

To view the book simply click on "GROWING KIDS COOKBOOK"


  1. cool recipes. Thanks mam. I shall bookmark your blog.

  2. the book preview looks neat! I loved the tikkis, but can't stand broccolis:) so maybe I'll just substitute with some other healthy veggies, like spinach or carrots...

    love all your books!

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    tarlaji iam a big fan of yours .i really admire you & u r my inspiration 'cos i love cooking.
    one will be more interesting if you could post pictures or photos with each recipe.just have a look at just by looking at the photos u feel like cooking
