Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Say "yes" to JUICES

Health professionals have always stressed about the advantages of having fresh fruits and vegetables at least 5 to 6 times a day to make up for ones nutrient requirement. But the question that arises is “Does our daily diet encompass so much raw fruits and vegetables?” A survey, if taken, is sure to prove that most of us skip this necessary food from our diet.

So, turn to freshly made juices to consume a healthy portion of vegetables/ fruits daily at one go. For example, one cup of carrot juice is approximately equivalent to four cups of raw chopped carrots. I am sure a glass of juice early in the morning or anytime of the day can easily fit into our busy lifestyles. Although eating fruits and vegetables in their natural state does provide us with a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals, juicing benefits us equally. It is true that while juicing some amount of fibre is lost due to the straining process. However, the digestive enzymes and the nutrients are retained in the juice, which are easily absorbed by our body.

Here are a few benefits of juices that I am sure will drive all of you to say yes to juices…….

1. Energizing and satiating
2. A chockfull of vitamins, minerals and enzymes (that make food easier to digest)
3. Provides natural sugars
4. Quick and easy to prepare
5. Easily absorbed
6. Powerful blood cleanser
7. Detoxifies the body
8. Replaces lost fluids and electrolytes (e.g. sodium and potassium)
9. Concentrated phyto-nutrients and antioxidants that help fight diseases
10. Proven healing properties

Remember, despite the fact that juices provide us with a quick and easy way to increase our nutrient intake, do make it a point to include whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes in your daily diet.

This summer, beat the heat and gain all the benefits from these health potions...…


Makes 2 glasses (300 ml).

What could be more refreshing than some coconut water? With the added nutrition of pineapple, this delightful drink becomes a seasonal must-have.

A mind-blowing combination of pineapple and coconut meat, added to the wholesome coconut water! Coconut is rich in potassium and pineapple in vitamin C. Enzyme ‘bromelin’ in pineapple helps stabilize the acid-alkaline balance of body fluids and improved digestion.

3 big slices of pineapple with the skin, cut into pieces
1 small tender coconut (coconut water)
½ cup tender coconut meat

Mixer/ Blender

1.Blend all the ingredients till smooth.
2.Strain the juice using a strainer or a muslin cloth.
3.Add some crushed ice in 2 glasses and pour the juice over it. Serve immediately.


Makes 2 glasses (300 ml).

Tangy grapes and the reliable apple make for a refreshingly cool drink this season. A glassful will help you fight illness and keep you energetic all through the day.

Apples are basically sweet and the juice of grapes is a little sour. When mixed together, they compliment each other’s flavour and enhance the overall taste. Grapes are rich in antioxidants and together, apple and grapes join to help clean the kidneys and liver.

2 small apples, unpeeled, cored and cut into pieces
1 cup green grapes
Crushed ice to serve

Hopper/ Juicer

1.Juice all the ingredients.
2.Add some crushed ice in 2 glasses and pour the juice over it. Serve immediately.


Mixer/ Blender
1.Blend all the ingredients using little water (if required) till smooth.
2.Strain the juice using a strainer or a muslin cloth.
3.Add some crushed ice in 2 glasses and pour the juice over it. Serve immediately.


  1. Dear Ma'am
    I am allergic to coconut-water, but was very excited to see the grape-apple blend. It was a combination I never before did think of trying! Very interesting, and great tasting too!

  2. Hi Ma'am,
    I like your blog very much.
    Please visit http://vanishreerajamarthandan.blogspot.com/ and leave comment if you are interested in link exchange.
    Thanks :)

  3. Hello dear Tarlaji,
    I like ur blog very much.
    Thanks a lot for sharing these recipes.
